Assessment and Planning for Christian Schools and Nonprofits

Why do you keep having the same problems year over year?
It is very common to become reactive when faced with fire after fire each day. But, what if we could determine the cause of these fires? What if we could anticipate and predict them to avoid them altogether?
The Champion Group leads you through a process that assesses the Seven Components of a Healthy Ministry to identify your pain points and the root CAUSE of that pain to be alleviated.
Identify the cause of your problem.
The Champion Group walks your school or organization through a five-step process over four to six weeks. We will work with you to review every component of your school to identify the steps needed for success. You can’t get to your destination if you don’t know your starting point.
Which problem do you solve first?
Once the root CAUSE of your pain is identified, The Champion Group will construct a comprehensive plan for your school or organization.
We fit all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of success together in the proper order to achieve your purpose most effectively.