Importance of the Process

The capital campaign process, involving a structured five-step methodology, is vital for raising significant funds for major projects or endowments. Establishing a robust Strategic and Operational Plan before starting is crucial, as this serves as a roadmap, ensuring efforts align with the organization’s core objectives. Without it, there’s a risk of misalignment and resource wastage on non-essential projects, possibly diverting from the mission. Moreover, a failed campaign can harm the organization’s credibility and future fundraising capabilities. Thus, preparing and setting clear goals aligned with strategic vision and operational capabilities is critical to a successful capital campaign and sustaining support over time.


Feasibility Study

A Feasibility Study charts a course of discovery for Christian schools seeking to accomplish their purpose. The study is vital in identifying where to start and how to establish milemarkers along the way. Feasibility studies determine the timeliness and scope of your capital campaign while setting the overall messaging that will resonate with your community.

The Champion Group will walk you through our two-step process, examining your school’s internal and external components to fully understand your purpose, target markets, potential contributors, leadership, critical staff, and a complete financial picture. Champion will also review your school’s desired future state (your vision) as defined by the strategic planning process: the vision or the “why” will be crucial in the Feasibility Study.


Facility & Asset

The Champion Group will work with your school to create a written, cohesive, and thorough plan for your capital campaign goals so that any proposed plan supports and advances the school’s purpose.

We believe the most critical component of this planning process is a Needs Assessment. A Needs Assessment involves your school’s community identifying the highest priority of facility and asset improvements needed to achieve your purpose. Engaging as much of the community as possible is to create buy-in, which will be vital to the campaign’s success.

We recommend engaging professional contractors, architects, or anyone else to include complex numbers and data vital to producing the Facility and Asset Plan.


Case for Support

We will help your school develop a document describing the facility and asset plan. Your Case for Support will explain how it advances your school’s purpose and why your capital campaign is the next step in reaching that goal.


Silent Phase

Once the strategy and timing have been determined, Champion will work with your solicitation team to train and equip them to begin the silent phase solicitations. Your solicitation team will heavily utilize the information from your feasibility to approach and solicit critical members of your community who indicated they would participate. We aim to receive pledges totaling over 50% of the total funds raised during the silent phase.

During this time, TCG will conduct the following tasks: Weekly meetings to encourage, train, and equip the campaign leadership team; providing counsel when required to troubleshoot the campaign; monthly on-site or video meetings to further prepare, monitor, and troubleshoot progress; and working with the capital campaign task force and leadership to formulate a thank you and gift acknowledgment strategy for all participants and donors to the campaign.


Public Phase

In this phase, TCG’s team will provide guidance and coaching as you and your team reach out to your entire community for financial support for the school campaign.

During this phase, you will:

  • Staff Track: Have one-on-one meetings with each staff member at the school
  • Corporate Track: Arrange meetings with potential corporate donors
  • Community Track: Conduct one-on-one sessions with all the remaining members of the school community
  • Friends of the School: Hold meetings with individuals who are seen as potential supporters of your school
  • Foundation Track: Reach out to charitable organizations that are believed to be supportive of the school’s vision

Am I ready for a capital campaign?

It can be scary for any Christian school or ministry to embark on a capital campaign. Are you sure you can raise the amount you need? How long will it take to raise the necessary funds? The Champion Group will help you answer these questions while we walk you through our proven process with experienced consultants.